Phew! I honestly don’t even know where to fucking start with this topic because there is so much to unpack. What does it mean to be resilient? By definition, resilient means a person who is able to handle or bounce back from a difficult time or event. So, what does emotional resilience mean? It’s one’s ability to emotionally recover from a difficult season in life, live event, tragedy, etc. Why is it important to have emotional resilience? Because without an ability to emotionally weather the storm, you will stay stuck and stuck is not where we want to be. Being able to feel all of your emotions while experiencing said storm, is essential, feel it, accept it, acknowledge it, but also know you will get through this and you will come out even fucking stronger. When you can have insight into your own thoughts and emotions and the effect that has on your circumstances, shit changes.

Take for example, getting a divorce. There are a fuck ton of emotions that occur before, during and even after a divorce. You grieve what once was, what could have been, where you went “wrong”, and what the future holds. THEN, as you are going through it, there is a new found “freedom” to delve deeper into who you are or who you want to be now that you are independent (I don’t want to use the word alone because I feel like it could be viewed as negative). If you were to sit in the grief stage and dwell on the past, meaning not being emotionally resilient, the likelihood of you being emotionally stable and successful is dramatically lower than if you were able to accept the situation and move on. Does accepting the situation mean you whole heartedly agree with how things went down? No, it just means that no matter how depressed you stay, how much you dwell on the past or how much you question the future, it won’t change what happened.
I will be the first to admit I did not cope well with my divorce even though I made the decision to leave. Once I moved out, I drank A LOT, didn’t sleep enough, didn’t give a shit about anything, didn’t take care of myself, you get the point. It wasn’t until I was tired of own shit and shit ass attitude that I was like “alright bitch, get your shit together, this is not serving you.” I cut back significantly on drinking, started working out again, and started back on my personal development journey. I took solo trips via plane and car and never felt more liberated and prouder. I have been through enough shit in my life to know that I am an emotionally resilient woman and that is one of my many amazing super powers.