UGH! As I sit here writing this blog post I am so frustrated. I sat and started at my fucking screen for thirty minutes trying to create the perfect graphic and to figure out what the fuck I wanted to write about today. I had a few ideas and each idea I talked myself out of each and every one, why? Honestly, I don’t know, hormones maybe, fatigue, pain, whatever. So here I am, creating on how to create when you feel like you can’t! Whether its brain fog, fatigue, pain, stress, whatever the reason, sometimes creating can be really fucking hard. Wanna know what makes it harder? Over thinking it, insert face palm emoji here. I overthink every-fucking-thing, all the fucking time and know where that gets me? Stressed the fuck out lol! In all honesty, there are some things that are NOT worth my time overthinking and creating posts is one of them. I have a fuck ton to share and say, so why do I feel the need to over think it and make it “perfect?” Probably because I’m a perfectionist, well a recovering perfectionist as one of my healers taught me! I have learned to accept that I have valuable information and knowledge to share and when I show up as my authentic, bad ass self, that is where the magic happens!
Here are tips I can share with you when my brain just feels like it’s not wanting to cooperate. I make fucking lists, tons of them, for several reasons. I love to be organized, I forget things often, and my brain is like a fucking old school library catalogue of information at all times. When I make lists, I am able to hold myself accountable and I am able to see my progress when I can check things off my list. I am also able to remain on task because I have a clear direction as to where I need to go with what I need to do. The thing I have found most beneficial lately, is going with my intuition! That’s right, not my logic, not my brain, my fucking gut, my soul, my heart, whatever you want to call it. When I was struggling to figure out what to write about today, I closed my eyes, I was still, and listened. And then my intuition kicked in and was like “duh, write about this, this is something people deal with every day.” When I go with my intuition, I am coming from a place of love because it is something I feel or have experienced and conquered or am still conquering daily. When you have a diagnosed mental health condition or even a physical health condition, mental fog is a very real symptom and unfortunately for me I have quite a few odds stacked against me. Therefore, I plan ahead for situations like this! I set intentions, I put my workout clothes out the night before, I set my coffee pot up the night before so there’s no thinking involved, I make lists, I set reminders, I do ALLLLLLL the things. I hope this helps someone struggling with time management, brain fog, organization, whatever!