It's January 3, 2023, and every year once the ball drops, I see is "New Year, New Me" or something of the sorts. What does that actually mean though? Are we completely changing who we are as a person at our core? Or are we recognizing ineffective patterns and changing them? Why are we waiting until the new year to do this? Why can't we recognize that we can change these things any day of the year? I think it all comes down to intention. It's easy as fuck to put things off and say "I'll start January 1st" or "I'll work on that next month". Then next month rolls around and you decide, "well maybe the following month is better." Starting anything can be overwhelming and scary, but it doesn't have to be. When we FINALLY decide we are tired of our own shit, we make changes.
What I typically see with some clients is they want to go "balls to the wall" with their therapy goals and they want to tackle 78349 things all at once. While I appreciate the enthusiasm, I also know that is a sure fire way to set yourself for up failure! I like to pace my clients and help them create intentional goals that mean something to THEM. I DO NOT choose my clients goals. What good would it be for me to create goals for my clients to then have them decide "I don't want to work on that", then I'm wasting both our times.
Being intentional and consistent is what is going to help create the success you are looking for. Be intentional with your time. How many times have you been looking at your phone and realized you've been scrolling for three hours? Be honest, we all do it! How many times have you created goals and allowed other things to "get in the way"? Don't get me wrong, life happens and curve balls are thrown, but we are in 100% control of what we CHOOSE to do with our time! BE INTENTIONAL. For example, I had an hour break between sessions
and instead of scrolling Instagram, I decided to write a blog, which is a far better use of my down time! Aside from intentionality, consistency is KEY. Doing something for three days and quitting is not an option. It takes 21 days to build a habit for it to stick. I am not asking for perfection, but instead progress and attempts. YOU have more power and control than you think you do. And remember, you fucking got this!