Authenticity is the act of truly behaving in a way that feels true to who we are, NOT what society wants us to be, NOT who our parents want us to be, NOT who our partners want us to be! What lights us the fuck up and makes us feel ALIVE? Some people believe authenticity is behaving in a morally appropriate way, whereas others believe it’s when we behave in the complete opposite way that makes us authentic.
Feeling disconnected from ourselves is one of the most frustrating feelings an individual can have. You no longer trust yourself to make decisions, you struggle to find joy or purpose in anything you do, you have little to no energy, almost as if your soul feels exhausted and no amount of rest would change that. You begin to feel overwhelmed by anything and everything that is thrown at you and the next thing could be your 13threason (not literally I hope!). Let’s talk about ways to reconnect to yourself, to find your inner baddie, to find your fucking purpose again….
According to Tony Robbins, there are 6 human needs (lemme preface this by saying I’ve never listened or read anything by Tony Robbins until now! GASP, I know right??) that are a part of the human condition so to speak. Let’s explore shall we….

Certainty: If certainty is one of your core human needs you are likely very trustworthy, you do what you say you’ll do, you enjoy planning/schedules/organization. You hesitate to take risks and you may struggle with addictive or obsessive behaviors.
In order to fulfill this need you must find activities you enjoy but that also push you out
of your comfort zone. Incorporating healthy and empowering activities in your life.
Uncertainty/ Variety: If uncertainty/variety is a core human need for you, you are likely outgoing, like meeting new people, and are always willing to do new things. You can be unfocused and lack planning skills and you can push people away.
In order to fulfill this need you must regularly switch up your routine, take classes with
new people, try new workouts, switch up the routes you drive, the stores you go to etc.
Significance: If significance is the primary human need that drives you, you are highly driven to be successful and love setting and achieving goals. You’re committed to a cause and others tell you that you stand out. You can be overly competitive, perfectionistic and dramatic.
In order to fulfill this need, you need to channel your competitive nature into something productive and healthy. Work on your people skills and commit to total mastery of your profession/skill.
Connection/Love: If connection and love are the human need that drives you, you are loyal, and generous with your time/love. You give freely to others and others find you trustworthy. You have strong social ties, but it’s also easy for you to lose your sense of self.
In order to fulfill this need you must be willing to be vulnerable and create deeper, more meaningful relationships. You must communicate your needs to your partner to
improve your intimacy.

Growth: If growth is your primary human need in your core being, you are always pushing your boundaries, both your own and the boundaries set by others and by society. You’re independent and not attached to material things. It may be hard to connect to others.
In order to fulfill this need you must develop your own growth mindset even further by challenging yourself and to master your skill, examine your limiting beliefs and learn to
control your emotions.
Contribution: If contribution is what you feel you need in your core sense of self than you are extremely empathetic and you enjoy giving back and sharing what you have. You may burnout easily.
In order to fulfill this need you must give back in whatever way feels good to you.
Either volunteer for a cause OR create your own volunteer organization!
What resonated with you from this list? I was actually quite surprised when I found this blog post, not because it’s groundbreaking, but because it’s pretty simple. I like to think I am motivated by a few of these, some more than others. You ultimately get to decide what your core values are and what drives you to do what you do. Once you figure that out, you’re unstoppable! Remember, you fucking got this! ~Stef