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Writer's pictureStefanie Palmer

Stop Waiting for Permission and Just Do It…

Why is there this notion that we need permission to make decisions, to do the thing, to take the trip, to date the person? Who’s signing this permission slip for you? Your parents? Your partner? Your kids? Your friends? Your Boss? WHO???? What are you scared of? What’s stopping you? What would happen if you just DECIDED to do “said thing?” This is a topic I talk with clients about constantly and honestly, it’s a conversation I’ve had with myself more times than I can count.

What are you currently waiting for permission for? What is something you have been wanting to do but are scared or feel like you can’t? I want you to truly ask yourself these questions and take inventory of ALL THE THINGS. Let’s get a clearer picture of just how much you are in your own way so we can change that! Write that shit down, I want you to see it in black and white so you have a clear understanding and so you can WAKE UP!

This is something I have heard time and time again, “but I appreciate my family’s input Stef”, okay, I hear you, but your family’s input does not dictate the decisions you are making for YOUR life because they are NOT you. They do not have to live with the consequences of your actions of doing/not doing something, you do! It is okay to ask your loved one’s opinion on something, it is NOT okay to allow their opinions to deter you from something YOU want. I think it comes down to fear of being judged or disappointing them if you choose to go “against” what they say. I used quotations because it’s not going against anything, it’s making a decision for yourself and that is one thousand percent okay! Sometimes our loved ones will react to our decisions and we may feel guilt, or it’s evil twin, shame creep in. Neither one of those emotions is helpful in that moment. Allowing someone else’s opinion of what’s “best for you” is completely unfair to you.

While I understand people have a lot of life experience and can offer advice or even their own feelings about a matter, respectfully, they aren’t you. What worked for them may not work for you, what worked for them 20 years ago, may be completely irrelevant NOW. Times change, things change, expectations change, perceptions change.

Overall, what I want you to take away from this message is to just make the fucking leap. Do the thing, stop waiting for someone else to tell you that you have permission and just do it. You have permission because you are an adult and can make decisions for yourself! PERIOD! And remember, you fucking got this!

~ Stef

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